Purchasing Code of Ethics
(California Association of Public School Business Officials Handbook of Public School Purchasing, 1963)
To regard Public Service as a sacred trust, giving primary consideration to the interests of the school district by which we are employed.
To purchase without any personal interest, private advantage, or prejudice, seeking to obtain the maximum benefit for each tax dollar expended.
To avoid unfair practices, give all qualified vendors an equal opportunity.
To respect our obligation and to require that obligations to us and our school district be respected.
To accord vendor representatives the same courteous treatment we would like to receive.
To strive constantly for improvement of purchasing methods and of the materials we buy.
To counsel and assist fellow purchasing agents in the performance of their duties, whenever the occasion permits.
To conduct ourselves with fairness and dignity and to demand honesty and truth in buying and selling.
To cooperate with all organizations and individuals engaged in enhancing the development and standing of the Purchasing Profession.
To remember that everything we do reflects on the school district, and to govern our every action accordingly.