Excused Absences
Students are required to attend school daily, except in the case of an excused absence. The state law regarding attendance requires that every person under 18 years of age must attend school and must have required verification of the absence. A phone call to the CHS Attendance Office or a note from the parent/guardian is necessary when a student is absent. Students are required to provide verification within three days after returning to school or the absence is considered truant. Students are encouraged to attend school regularly and attend partial days when possible. Students who are no longer subject to compulsory education (emancipated minors and students 18 years old and older) are expected to provide appropriate verification of their absences. Failure to provide verification will result in the student being considered truant. Absences deemed “excused” may still count against the 90% “Attendance Policy for Graduation.” Absences may be excused if the absence is due to a student’s illness, doctor or dental appointment, to attend a funeral of an immediate family member, jury duty, for observance of a religious holiday or ceremony, among other reasons listed in Education Code section 48205.
Verification of an Absence
Verification of an absence is to be made by telephone or note from the parent/guardian indicating the reason for the absence. A telephone call is preferred as soon as possible. If a parent/guardian cannot call, the student should bring a note the day the student returns to school before school starts. Upon returning to school, students who fail to verify absences within three days are considered truant.
Notes must contain:
Student I.D. number
First and last name of student
Date of absence indicating full day or class periods
Reason for absence or signed doctor/dental/court note
Parent/guardian’s signature, date signed & phone number
A student who does not obtain permission from their teacher or the administration prior to missing their regularly scheduled class in order to participate in another class or activity will be given a cut.
Off-Campus Pass - Early Check Out Procedure
(During School Day)
Students must not leave school at any time during the day without personally signing out through the CHS Main Office/Attendance Office. Students who need to leave campus early must present a note or a parent/guardian must call the Attendance Office before school. THE NOTE MUST CONTAIN THE EXACT DATE, TIME OF DISMISSAL, REASON FOR LEAVING, STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME, STUDENT ID NUMBER AND PARENT/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE for an Off-Campus Pass to be issued to the student. Students leaving campus or arriving back on campus with an Off-Campus Pass are expected to sign-out and sign-in if they return the same day.
Parent/Guardian Picking up Student Procedure
Parents/guardians picking up the student early from school must provide a valid I.D. and must be listed on the student’s emergency contact list. We realize there may be times when someone other than the parent/guardian may have to pick-up the student. We ask that the parent/guardian provide a note or call the school office ahead of time informing staff of the name of the person that will be picking up the student. That individual will also be required to provide a valid photo I.D. and must be listed on the student’s emergency contact list. The student will not be released to that person without the proper identification. Anyone picking up a student must be an adult. The District will not release students to minors.
Absence Make-up Day
Saturday School is available for all students to make up absence days. The student is required to attend one four-hour session (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) of Saturday School for one full day absence credit. The student must show up before 8:00 a.m. and make sure the Saturday School teacher adds their name to the attendance roster in order to get attendance credit. Visit the main office and request the Saturday School sign-up sheet.
Attendance Policy for Graduation (90% Rule)
CHS will send home to parents/guardians, on a regular basis, letters regarding their student’s attendance so that parents/guardians can accurately monitor the attendance of the student. When students have accumulated excessive absences, parents/guardians will also be sent a letter to remind them of the 90% Attendance Policy and the consequences of continued absences. In the event a student falls below 90% attendance, the parents/guardians will be advised by a mailed letter. To participate in the CHS commencement ceremonies, a student must have maintained 90% attendance during their Senior year. Students are responsible for attending all classes, on time, every day. Counselors will be checking attendance throughout the year. Absences not counted against the 90% attendance policy for graduation include those listed under the “Excused Absences” section listed above.
Student Attendance Review Board
Student absences may be considered cuts when students do not comply with attendance regulations and procedures. Chronic absenteeism and/or chronic failure to follow the above procedures will result in a mandatory parent/guardian conference and students may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Student Short-Term Independent Study Contract
Short-term Independent Study Contracts may be requested by the parent/guardian no less than two weeks prior to departure. Students may only be out on a contract for a minimum of five days and a maximum of 15 school days. Incomplete contract packets will result as unexcused absences for each contract day. Incomplete contracts will also result in the student being ineligible for another contract the remainder of the school year.